September 8 is the 251st day of the year (252nd in leap years). 114 days remain until the end of the year.
"The real spiritual progress of the aspirant is measured by the extent to which he achieves inner tranquility."
Born today
Swami Sivananda, 1887, spiritual teacher and yoga guru
Jon Katz, 1947, American author and journalist
Accession Day (United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms) (during the reign of Charles III)
Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Macedonia from Yugoslavia in 1991.
Martyrs' Day (Afghanistan) (date may fall on September 9, follows a non-Gregorian calendar)
National Day (Andorra), also the feast of Our Lady of Meritxell
National Day (Asturias), also the feast of Our Lady of Covadonga
National Day (Extremadura), also the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Victory Day, also the feast of Our Lady of Victories or il-Vittorja (Malta)
Actors’ Day (US)
The Catholic Church and The Orthodox Church, celebrates today the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary on its traditional fixed date of September 8, nine months after the December 8 celebration of her Immaculate Conception as the child of Saints Joachim and Anne.
Never forget this date, EVER!